Sunday, March 29, 2009




好想去海边哦!好想念热浪岛.可惜假期是那么的短暂. 好想去旅行啊!!!!




Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wild Child

Poppy (Emma Roberts) Freddie (Alex Pattyfer)
这是我星期六,下午打发时间的一部电影.一部很轻松, 剧情老套的校园剧.这次看电影不会看trailer.只要评分不错就直接看了.这样也不会期望太大.
电影里,女主角在新学校被人冤枉,那里的室友不相信她.她打电话给她以前的好朋友,她们都不管她,还嫌她烦. .有些朋友,离开了你的生活,或许是会改变的. 我想里面的友情是很难能可贵的.要好好珍惜身边的朋友哦.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

[Horoscope] 12星座四月运程

优势: 有耐性,有不达目的誓不罢休的精神,小心谨慎,考虑周全。
弱势: 对机会的把握意识不强,有些贪婪;思维僵化,缺乏变通。

贵人方位: 东北方向
开运物品: 透明小水杯
休闲解压: 乘坐热气球 哪里有热气球??

总运指数: ★★★★☆


爱情指数: ★★★★☆
单人爱情际遇: 本月桃花运不错,能切身感受到异性对你的好感与关心。但是,太多的选择加剧了你的挑剔,总觉得身边的异性不够完美,不停地转换追求对象。在高要求之下很容易与有缘人擦肩而过,若能改变策略,把要求降低,月末会遇到令你心动的对象。
双人恋情发展: 有伴侣的人爱情生活非常甜蜜,经常主动给另一半制造惊喜,给两个人的生活增添了不少的乐趣,让彼此的关系更紧密。工作中的喜怒哀乐都可以与对方分享,在沟通交流中易获得释怀,也能让对方感觉到自己被需要,对增进感情很有利。

事业学业: ★★★★☆
工作者: 容易出成绩的一个月。工作的热情很高,愿意放下其他事情而一身扑在工作上,工作进展很顺利,效果也不错。久久攻不下的课题柳暗花明,易有所突破。多理性思考,多总结,这将是你今后事业上不小的一笔经验财富。
学生族: 成绩上有明显的进步。心态平和,无杂念,能专注于学习。多整理些从前觉得深奥难解的知识点,然后细心分析,耐心思考,容易有所领悟。另外,多参加课外活动可以使你的思维更活跃。 希望考试顺利咯!^^

投资理财: ★★★★☆

For other horoscope : 12星座四月运程


Last lab report completed.
Last midterm completed. * p.s. still got 1 quiz.. =(
Last assignment completed. * p.s. still got 1 presentation

i can temporary rest.. Yeah! i need charging.

Hope those unwanted thgs will come to an end also.

Y always rain b4 biochemistry test???

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bottle 聚碳酸酯水瓶

昨天看见报纸,发现现在市面上没有安全使用的朔料水瓶了。我平常用的就是聚碳酸酯水瓶“三角七號” 。聚碳酸酯水罐會滲出對激素破壞性很強的雙酚A,即使在室溫之下,雙酚A也會進入水瓶所盛裝的液體裡。


  • 生殖器官受損、腫瘤惡化、乳癌組織產生不良變化,和前列腺發育受影響,以致精子數量減少。
  • 環境激素。環境激素會破壞人類和動物的激素分泌腺,包括甲狀腺、腦垂體、胰腺、胸腺、腎上腺、卵巢和睪丸等形成的內分泌系統。




Saturday, March 21, 2009

Race to Witch Mountain

昨晚,在pavillion 的GSC 看的一部电影.

Dwayne Johnson, actress AnnaSophia Robb, actress Carla Gugino and actor Alexander Luwig

AnnaSophia Robb


Weekend is coming. Time for us to shop, eat and watch movie. ^^
So happy that i took many photo of "look nice" food and drinks.

Our dinner in WongKok of Pavillion after the movie. Erm.. 2nd time i went this restaurant. It is totally "fell" different with WongKok in BP. The center rice was mine ,蜜汁排骨饭(RM9.50). The warm lemon honey was too sour la.. Haiz..

About the movie >>> next post

Thursday, March 19, 2009

free Baskin Robbins

A pink, cute roadshow lorry appear in our sch, promoting LG phone. What attract small crowd? After answer a easy question about the phone, we will get a free baskin robbins ice-cream. Hehe.. Ice-cream and hp seem not related at all. But the new LG phone got a sweet and "ice cream" feel colour. Haha.. I don't know much about the phone and roadshow actually. I am just aim the ice-cream. ^^

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




另外一个同部门的学姐,课业很忙吧,好久都没来了 。结果就是,每天我去做工都一堆东西做。好处是我有东西做,坏处是蛮多东西做,不能偷懒。(矛盾)

最近一直在玩facebook里面的小游戏(Pet Society)。有空,没空都去玩玩一下。浪费了不少时间。 =< 该睡觉的时间都不去睡,搞到有点睡不够.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Student Evaluation On9

Wow.. It is so suprise that we can do it on9. For the previous semester, the lecturer need to distribute the forms for the class and ask a class representative to collect and send to the office. (I remembered that i had been a class representative. I forgot to pass the forms to the office and back home. Aikz.. So careless.Felt so sorry to the lecturer. )
Then , i think somebody else need to deal with all these forms maybe counting or wat so that the evaluation of the lecturer is done.. The new system save papers and save manpower. Haha.. But if i give the lecturer bad comment , will he or she know??? (we don't need write name for the paper evaluation form) aikz...

Shopping time~

Today, we just have one and the only one class. I think quite a lot of coursemates skip it and some ,coming to class, but they are "blank"(放空). Haha.. The class end half hour earlier or i should say it is just a 1 hour class. After that, shopping time.. ^^

We have our lunch at "Station Kopitiam":

My special fried rice. A bit oily and not so nice. =(

Joellie and her sweet and sour chicken rice. I think better than mine la.

We just window shopping actually.
I bought a pair 手机吊饰 which will "light" when there is a call or msg.

After a short short shopping, i back sch and work for 3 hours!!! so tiring today.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chocolate Candy evaluation

>>>>My first survey in my university life... ^ ^
Today , we use about half hour to find 40 penalists to evaluate 2 sample of chocolate candy..
Luckily, students in the campus quite co-operate and willing to spend their time doin this short short test.. Or maybe M&M attract them?? => [Happy to work with high productivity team members..]
Funny thg from the assessors:
We have 2 sample of chocolate candy. "103" is actually wellknown famous - M&M , then "301" is unknown brand chocolate candy. M&M is slightly bigger than the "301". 1 of the assessor's reason for choosing M&M is " Bigger is always better.." Haha..
When a food product is tested blindly, it really makes different. If we know the exact candy is M&M, obviously we will choose that. But from all 40 penalists' choices, there is a minority like the unknown 1. And some feel that both r the same. Furthermore, there is 1 think that both r Smarties which in reality we didn't use it.. Haha.. But a "professional" penalist not enjoy "eating" but be a machine to test.. Haha..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy week

Erm.. It will be a busy week for me. I need to complete 3 assignments, 1 lab report and prepare for a midterm on the following week. The only thing i can do is just manage the time well. But when we r busy, we will have more things WANT to do and will be more lazy.. Nature of human? Haiz.. add oil !!

Nice pictures found for assignment- Flying sky lantern during Yuan Xiao Festivals:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Alice's Birthday


Me and Huey Shin

Erm.. So many friends having birthday this month.. SuTing, Alice, Kristal, Miki, YuYin and ....
Happy Birthday! Hope u all have a sweet birthday!
We celebrated Alice's birthday earlier in Oldtown. Erm.. Have a long time din c these old friends. Everybody is fine in their own life. ^^

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunway@ RedBox


It's Suting's birthday! We started sing K from 8pm , back home with 9 ppl in a car and reach home at 3 sth. Haha..

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paddington bear

Finally, i got this paddington bear. Thank you very much to joellie and peipei for supporting me. Haha.. And YuYan, Yong Lai, Zi Yin and other dear friends who gave me their sticker.. ^^
Friends came visit my bear bear:

(Joellie & PeiPei)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


(On the way back from sch)
I am rushing my lab report so that i can complete it before i back hometown. I walked to sch early morning to print graphs for the report and then continue with the calculations. The lab report required us to draw 16 graphs with 8 set of calculations!!! I think it will be a "record" in my life..